Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Monday 4th November – Debrief

Text stories are full of fatal errors

Editors need to be more assertive

Press release quotes = “He said in a statement.” – Could be denied if you just say “he said.” / Tweeted

It’s okay to lift quotes IF you attribute them. “Speaking to the press,” or “told a newspaper/news organisation.”

Verbs of attribution – just say “he said” or “she said” – put a date on it. “Says” – no date.

Comment (opinion) [never pass off as fact] vs. Fact (independently verifiable truth statement) [always in our voice, must check]

If you’re not sure if a fact is true the best thing to do is fudge it – attribute it OR leave it out.


Quotes are bollocks

Angle your stories for WINCHESTER

Subject and verb must agree on case – the subject must be capable of producing the verb. Homes can’t be upset but people can. Object of the sentence must be capable of receiving the verb – ‘the cat sat on the mat.’

Always use the active voice

-----News Story Structure-----

Headline: Subject – Verb – Adjective (Subject first – ‘Leader of Hampshire County Council Roy Perry’ unless celebrity ‘Lady Gaga did this stuff)

Top line: Who, what, when, where

Explain why it happens


News stories are like cakes, cakes have layers

Monday, 4 November 2013

News Editor Review - WINOL Week Five 30/10/13

Just a note to start with here - always tell the news editor if there's a change to your package before you send it to the gallery; a couple of things here needed sorting but nobody let me know.

Anyway... Gonna try to keep this relatively brief #BulletPoints. If I don't write up much about you it's not me being lazy, it's just there's less to note - take that however you like ;)

Good effort on the whole though, guys, it was a tough week!

HCC Jobs - Alex

  • Really needed that case study - I appreciate that shots are hard to come by for this type of story but as top package it lacks the desired impact.
  • Interviews are well framed although Tim Cutter could've done with a setup shot.
  • Good cutaways
  • Good setup for Stephen Reid & good cutaways
  • Eye level is a bit off
  • White balance is slightly off, gives his head a shiny punctuation
  • I agree with Chris Coneybeer that the graph is a little much but there wasn't much we could do about that with the time we had left
  • Confident PTC
  • Great in studio chat
St Jude Storm - Ellen
  • Great opening shots, really shows the damage this storm caused
  • Good voice as always
  • Really could do with a PTC and interviews to bring it to life. We needed to kick up a storm about it ourselves
  • I probably should've asked more people to go out with cameras but everyone had their own work to worry about
  • I like the RNLI footage, it has good sound but Ian was right to suggest to put it further back in the piece
Diane James - Nadine
  • Great interview overall and definitely deserves all the hits it's getting on YouTube
Witness - Christina
  • Really well turned around in a day, couldn't ask for anything more!
  • Awkward highlights on her hair though, although there's not much you can do about that
Attempted Murder - Kate
  • Had some very good ideas about going down to the scene of the crime, it's a shame that we couldn't get the shots without trespassing. I didn't want to run the legal risk of using that footage, but it was a good effort.
  • Could've seen the mugshot again but with that in mind how you remembered that PTC is beyond me!
OOVs like Jagger - Various
  • Books: Needed more shots of... Books
  • Romanian business: Not too bad!
  • Fireworks: We really had nothing else!
Prince Edward - Zeena / Emma
  • Gotta be honest - I know that this was a very quick turnaround but it was a bit of a balls up.
  • I know there were some changes made to it but you really need to let the news ed see it, I would've dropped it from the bulletin last minute.
  • We were restricted to using archive footage of the Prince's visit which is fine
  • This one's an error on my part - I should've got you to get shots of the cathedral rather than just using Creative Commons images. The pressure of keeping everything else going got to me a bit, I think.
  • Spence's v/o (as wonderful as it is) got a bit of an airing where it shouldn't have - one of the changes I wasn't told about
  • THAT BLURRY IMAGE - When you remove a quote from a package always de-blur/remove the image it was set on top of. It looks naff, and that's being kind.
  • Probably a bad judgement on my part but we needed an extra story as we were a bit late.
  • Just a learning curve!
SPORT - Tate / Drew
  • Much better this week!
  • Tate - your filming was excellent and your voice is getting there too. Try to sound a bit more enthused and a little less wordy - you don't have to explain word for word what's going as people can see it.
  • Drew - it was nice to see an actual sports news piece in the bulletin, much better than having a feature there.
  • Aim to have a news story every week (I know it's difficult, I've been there myself) because they add more life to the bulletin than the features which are better suited to SportsWeek.
Bike - Lucy
  • Really good package
  • Exposure was quite off / White balance
  • Good to get a box-pop in!
  • Needed balance
  • GOPRO!!!!
  • Natsot dropout after edit - should've gone past me one more time before going to the gallery!
Like I said guys, it was a tough week so well done for pulling through and pulling me through!