Text stories are full of fatal errors
Editors need to be more assertive
Press release quotes = “He said in a
statement.” – Could be denied if you just say “he said.” / Tweeted
It’s okay to lift quotes IF you attribute
them. “Speaking to the press,” or “told a newspaper/news organisation.”
Verbs of attribution – just say “he said”
or “she said” – put a date on it. “Says” – no date.
Comment (opinion) [never pass off as fact]
vs. Fact (independently verifiable truth statement) [always in our voice, must
If you’re not sure if a fact is true the
best thing to do is fudge it – attribute it OR leave it out.
Quotes are bollocks
Angle your
stories for WINCHESTER
Subject and verb must agree on case – the
subject must be capable of producing the verb. Homes can’t be upset but people
can. Object of the sentence must be capable of receiving the verb – ‘the cat
sat on the mat.’
Always use the active voice
-----News Story Structure-----
Headline: Subject – Verb – Adjective
(Subject first – ‘Leader of Hampshire County Council Roy Perry’ unless
celebrity ‘Lady Gaga did this stuff)
Top line: Who, what, when, where
Explain why it happens
News stories are like cakes, cakes have