Freud and Psychoanalysis
- Creator of psychoanalysis
-Talk between patient laying on couch, and a doctor
- Convinced everything was sexually linked
- The Interpretation of Dreams
-Dreams result of sexual repression
- Thought, feelings, volition - unconscious mind
- Sexual impulses are important as potential causes of mental illness, artistic and cultural creation
- Existence of subconscious evident because of every day mistakes, reports of dreams, symptoms of neurosis
- Oedipus Complex - infantile sexuality
-Oral (pleasure gained from mouth), Anal and Phallic (touching genitals) stages
-Boys attracted to mother and jealous of father, start becoming more like them to steal mother
-He was sure there was a feminine equivalent but never quite worked it out
-The Ego and the Id
-The mental apparatus = id: repository of instinctual impulses
ego: influence of external world
superego: develops from id, dominates ego, represents inhibitions of
instincts that are characteristics of man
-All three need to be in harmony or mental disorders will develop
The Freudian Unconscious
- Most of our mental life is unconscious
- Slip of tongue is a better guide to someone's intentions
- Dreams are always fulfilment of repressed fantasies
- Examination of neurotic symptoms
-Austrian bloke, too fat, tries to slim, wards off love rival
-Id: unconscious locus of love and hunger
-Ego: reason and common sense
-Superego: observes, judges and punishes ego
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